Cicely Haughton School

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The Library

As part of creating a calm and interesting room where children want to go and are invited to do so to select books of their reading ability or books that they are curious about or aspire to read. 

We relocated the library and have been working hard to get our existing books scanned and then able to be linked into accelerated reader and get nominated a reading book level. This is highlighted on the books themselves. Children are then invited to take a short test on the accelerated reader system to assess their comprehension of the text they have read. 

The school also uses online reading books in the form of Myon and all parents/carers have access to this and support in how to use and access this has been offered virtually.

Our library was made accessible to the children on World Book Day after hours of dedication from school staff -thank you all for your efforts it looks amazing.

Whilst it was brilliant to finally get the room ready and accessible, there is still more we wish to do to enhance the reading experiences for all of our children and we are in the process of purchasing even more texts to encourage the love of reading within the setting in the hope this flows over into the home environment too.